As the name suggests this is a device that measures frequency. It counts the number of pulses in a periodic signal per second. Internally they use a counter that increments on each pulse. When the preset period (1s for example) for the frequency counter elapses, the value of the counter is stored and the counter is reset to zero. The stored value is provided on output so it can be used by some other logic.
The building blocks seem quite familiar, aren't they? A counter, a timer and some logic on top. It is a pretty good candidate for a script:
clk : BOOL; // clock signal
pt : TIME := TIME#1s; // preset time (1 sec)
out : DINT; // frequency
timer : TON_TIME; // TON timer
trigger : R_TRIG; // positive edge trigger
pulses : DINT; // number of pulses detected
#trigger(CLK:=#clk); // detect positive edge
#timer(IN:=true, PT:=#pt); // start timer
if #trigger.Q then // edge detected?
#pulses := #pulses + 1; // increment counter
if #timer.Q then // time elapsed?
#out := #pulses; // store result
#pulses := 0; // reset counter
#timer(IN:=false); // reset timer
Of course the accuracy of measurement is limited by the sampling rate (LB update rate) and this is the biggest drawback to using this script. With a sampling rate of 100ms you only have ten executions per second and half of them can detect pulses. This means that you can detect frequencies of 5Hz or less... If you use a sampling rate of 10ms then 50Hz is the top.
This probably won't be of any use in a real world scenario.
Still it is good to know that the script is not the limit here. One day we will probably do better.
See you!